

Owl City-Shooting Star





點這聽Owl City-Shooting Star



Shooting stars Owl City 

Shooting Stars(流星)



Close your tired eyes, relax and then

/ 閉上你疲憊的雙眼,小憩片刻

Count from 1 to 10 and open them


All these heavy thoughts will try to weigh you down


But not this time

/ 但不是現在

Way up in the air, you're finally free

/在清新的空氣中醒來 自由的感覺真好

And you can stay up there right next to me

/ 你現在可以開始待在我身邊了

All this gravity will try to pull you down


But not this time



When the sun goes down and the lights burn out

/ 當太陽西下 當光亮熄滅

Then it's time for you to shine

/ 換你發光的時刻便到來

Brighter than a shooting star


So shine no matter where you are

/就閃爍吧 不管你在哪

Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light


'Cause it's time for you to shine


Brighter than a shooting star


So shine no matter where you are tonight

/所以 就發光吧

Woah-oh, woah-oh, woah-oh

Brighter than a shooting star


Shine no matter where you are tonight

/所以 就閃耀吧


Gaze into my eyes when the fire starts


And fan the flames so hot it melts our hearts

/火種已燃起 我們的心已融化

Oh, the pouring rain will try to put it out


But not this time


Let your colors burn and brightly burst


Into a million sparks that all disperse


And illuminate a world that'll try to bring you down


But not this time



When the sun goes down and the lights burn out


Then it's time for you to shine


Brighter than a shooting star


So shine no matter where you are

/就發光吧 不管此時此刻你在哪

Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light


'Cause it's time for you to shine


Brighter than a shooting star


So shine no matter where you are tonight

/今晚不管你身在何方 就不顧一切發光吧

Woah-oh, woah-oh, woah-oh

Brighter than a shooting star


Shine no matter where you are tonight



A thousand heart beats beat in time


It makes this dark planet come alive


So when the lights flicker out tonight


You gotta shine



When the sun goes down and the lights burn out

/ 當夕陽斜下 當光芒熄滅

Then it's time for you to shine


Brighter than a shooting star

/發光吧 像流星一樣

So shine no matter where you are

/不管此刻你身在何方 發光吧

Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light


'Cause it's time for you to shine


Brighter than a shooting star


So shine no matter where you are tonight


Woah-oh, woah-oh, woah-oh

Brighter than a shooting star


So shine no matter where you are tonight.

/是你 不顧一切的發光著


希望Thalia翻的大家還算滿意~如果有什麼好歌也可以推薦給Thalia喔,我會試著翻翻看的> <



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