Imagine Dragons跟Demons同一張專輯裡的一首歌,Fallen。

從以前就一直很喜歡Imagine Dragons的嗓音,曲風和歌詞,好像在教我們一些什麼事情,很有人生哲學意味。





Run for cover /跑著尋找掩護

My sense of fear is running thin /我所害怕的不過就是那日漸削薄的生命

Undercover /匿身在遮蔽物下

Just like a candle in the wind /我們只是像在徐徐清風中的蠟燭罷了

Tell everybody, tell everybody /去 快去告訴大家

Brothers, sisters, the ending is coming /告訴鄉親父老們 故事的結局到了


Ohhhhh We are fallen, we are fallen /我們在墜落

Ohhhhh We are fallen, we are fallen /像自由落體一般

Now we're just gonna ride it out /該是逃離這種狀態的時候了


Every morning /每個朝晨

I'm staring shadows in the eye /我都凝視著眼裡的陰霾

Oh, good morning /噢 早啊

Will you just wait until I die? /你會在這等到我死嗎


Tell everybody, tell everybody /去告訴鄉親父老們

Brothers, sisters, the ending is coming /末日到了


Ohhhhh We are fallen, we are fallen /我們在墜落呢

Ohhhhh We are fallen, we are fallen /像自由落體般

Now we're just gonna ride it out /該是逃離這情況的時候了

Tell everybody, tell everybody /去告訴大家

Tell everybody, we are fallen /告訴每個人

Ohhhhh We are fallen, we are fallen /我們在墜落著

Ohhhhh We are fallen, we are fallen /就像自由落體一般墜落著

Now we're just gonna ride it out /該是想個辦法的時候了

I just want to take it in /只是想改變這情況

Even when your fire runs out /甚至在情況失控時

Will you start it up again? /你會選擇重新開始嗎

We are fallen /繼續墜落吧



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