Thalia這次要跟大家介紹的歌是Simple Plan簡單計畫的Astronaut太空人。

Simple Plan這個團大家可能沒怎麼聽過,但他們的歌有些真的不錯。

個人覺得他們的風格和嗓音有點像The Script






Can anybody hear me?

Or am I talking to myself?
/難道 在別人耳裡我只是自言自語?

My mind is running empty

In the search for someone else

Who doesn't look right through me.

It's all just static in my head

Can anybody tell me why I'm lonely like a satellite?
/有沒有人可以告訴我 為什麼我就像漂泊在宇宙裡的衛星一樣寂寞

'Cause tonight I'm feeling like an astronaut
/今晚 我覺得自己像被放逐的太空人

Sending SOS from this tiny box

And I lost all signal when I lifted up
/當我升空時 訊號突然完全接收不到了

Now I'm stuck out here and the world forgot
/現在我被困在太空裡 動彈不得 被全世界遺忘

Can I please come down? (come down)

'Cause I'm tired of drifting around and round (and round)

Can I please come down?

I'm deafened by the silence

Is it something that I've done?

I know that there are millions
/就我所知 世界上有數百萬個像我一樣漂泊的人

I can't be the only one who's so disconnected
/為什麼我會是那個 完全被排擠在外頭的人呢

It's so different in my head.

Can anybody tell me why I'm lonely like a satellite?
/誰來告訴我 為什麼我就像自顧繞行地球的衛星一樣寂寞呢

Cause tonight I'm feeling like an astronaut
/今晚 我覺得自己像被放逐的太空人

Sending SOS from this tiny box

And I lost all signal when I lifted up
/當我升空時 訊號突然完全接收不到了

Now I'm stuck out here and the world forgot
/現在我被困在太空裡 動彈不得 被世人遺忘

Can I please come down? (come down)

'Cause I'm tired of drifting around and round (and round)

Can I please come down?

Now I lie awake and scream in a zero gravity

And it's starting to weigh down on me.

Let's abort this mission now

Can I please come down?
/所以現在 我可以落地了嗎

So tonight I'm calling all astronauts

All the lonely people that the world forgot
/那些和我一樣 為世人所遺忘的人們

If you hear my voice come pick me up
/當你終於聽到我的聲音 來接我回去

Are you out there?
/嘿 你有在聽嗎

'Cause you're all I've got!

Cause tonight I'm feeling like an astronaut
/今晚 我覺得自己像被放逐的太空人

Sending SOS from this tiny box

And I lost all signal when I lifted up
/當我升空時 訊號突然完全接收不到了

Now I'm stuck out here and the world forgot
/現在我被困在太空裡 動彈不得 

Cause tonight I'm feeling like an astronaut
/今晚 我覺得自己像被放逐的太空人

Sending SOS from this tiny box

And I lost all signal when I lifted up
/當我升空時 訊號突然完全接收不到了

Now I'm stuck out here and the world forgot
/現在我被困在太空裡 動彈不得 被世界遺忘

Are you out there?

'Cause you're all I've got!

Can I please come down?

'Cause I'm tired of drifting round and round.

Can I please come down? [x3]




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