









Dressed In Black"


 I had given up /我放棄了

I didn’t know who to trust /已經不知道誰是可信的

So I designed a shell /所以我為自己設計了一個殼

Kept me from heaven and hell /從天堂從地獄保護著我

And I had hit a low /我打破了鐵律

Was all I let myself know /我有自知之明

 Yeah I had locked my heart /是啊我封閉了我的心

I was imprisoned by dark /事實上我是被黑暗所囚禁

 You found me dressed in black /你發現我用黑暗來包裝自己

Hiding way up at the back /把所有事物藏在身後

 Life had broken my heart into pieces /沉重的生活重擔把我的心臟敲成了碎片

You took my hand in yours /你卻牽起了我的手

 You started breaking down my walls /開始打破我為自己築成的高牆

And you covered my heart in kisses /你用吻來撫慰我的心靈


I thought life passed me by /生命已離我而去

 Missed my tears, ignored my cries /忽視我所流下的淚水

 Life had broken my heart, my spirit /殘酷的生活讓我心神不寧

And then you crossed my path /接著你走入了我的生命

 You quelled my fears, you made me laugh /你讓我忘懷憂愁開懷大笑

Then you covered my heart in kisses /你用吻包覆了我脆弱的心靈


I was down for the count /我曾失落的想著這是否正確

I was down I was out /我曾痛苦到出神

And I had lost it all /我失去了一切

'Cause I was scared, I was torn /只因我很害怕只因我的靈魂被撕裂了

 And I took to the night /我回到夜晚

 I’d given in to the fight /讓一切付諸流水

 And I slipped further down /自己則滑落到生命的邊緣

I felt like I had drowned /感覺就像墜入深水般


You found me dressed in black /你發現我用黑暗來包裝自己

 Hiding way up at the back /把所有事物藏在身後

 Life had broken my heart into pieces /沉重的生活重擔把我的心臟敲成了碎片

 You took my hand in yours /你卻牽起了我的手

 You started breaking down my walls /開始打破我為自己築成的高牆

And you covered my heart in kisses /你用吻來撫慰我的心靈

 I thought life passed me by /生命已離我而去

 Missed my tears, ignored my cries /忽視我所流下的淚水

Life had broken my heart, my spirit /殘酷的生活讓我心神不寧

 And then you crossed my path /接著你走入了我的生命

You quelled my fears, you made me laugh /你讓我忘懷憂愁開懷大笑

Then you covered my heart in kisses /你用吻包覆了我脆弱的心靈


I was hopeless and broken /我曾失去希望喪失信仰

You opened the door for me /你卻為我敞開了另一座大門

 Yeah I was hiding and you let the light in /我瑟縮的躲藏你卻用燈光將我照亮

And now I see /此時我才瞭解

That you do for the wounded /你為我的創傷所做的一切

What they couldn't seem to /那些看不見的傷口

You set them free /你將我治癒了

 Like a butterfly kissing a child with an eye for the minor key /就像蝴蝶輕吻著孩童


You found me dressed in black /你發現我用黑暗來包裝自己

Hiding way up at the back /把所有事物藏在身後

 Life had broken my heart into pieces /沉重的生活重擔把我的心臟敲成了碎片

You took my hand in yours /你卻牽起了我的手

 You started breaking down my walls /開始打破我為自己築成的高牆

And you covered my heart in kisses /你用吻來撫慰我的心靈


I thought life passed me by /生命已離我而去

 Missed my tears, ignored my cries /忽視我所流下的淚水

 Life had broken my heart, my spirit /殘酷的生活讓我心神不寧

 And then you crossed my path /接著你走入了我的生命

 You quelled my fears, you made me laugh /你讓我忘懷憂愁開懷大笑

Then you covered my heart in kisses /你用吻包覆了我脆弱的心靈

Covered my heart in kisses /用你的溫柔將我治癒



20150824感謝網友不吝賜教 drown已改正為溺水!!



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